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Showing posts from January, 2016

A Healthy Positive Attitude for 2016!

A Healthy Positive Attitude for 2016! The start of a new year is filled with New Year’s resolutions, ideas and plans to make changes for the better and to improve our quality of life. It’s a great time of year to reflect and think of all the many things we would like to accomplish or improve upon in our daily routine. It is also a time when cooler temperatures make us want to stay indoors and cozy up on the couch watching our favourite shows. Many of us find ourselves feeling a little more fatigued and drowsy with little energy leftover for exercise. With the added lack of sunlight exposure in the winter months, our bodies produce less Serotonin levels, which many researchers believe can negatively affect us in many ways including our mood, memory and appetite and sometimes even lead to depression.  Serotonin is a hormone that is produced in our pineal gland in the brain from exposure to light; it is a feel good hormone! One of my main goals for 2016 is to focus on healthier hab